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A One Million Mani Recitation Mantra Journey 1 million mani healing mantra mantra journey mantra of chenrezig meditation practice mindfulness and relaxation om mani padme hum recitation one million mantra personal growth and self-discovery the benefits of chanting and reciting mantra the benefits of reciting om mani padme hum the power of sound and vibration Jan 26, 2023

On September 26th, 2022, I made the decision to embark on a journey of reciting the powerful mantra of Chenrezig, also known as Om Mani Padme Hum, 1 million times. This was not my first encounter with mantras, but it was the first one that truly resonated with me on a deep, personal level. I felt a strong connection and affinity for this mantra and it was an instantaneous and positive effect that I felt in my heart and mind. 

After receiving my second empowerment for the mantra of...

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A Hedgerow Symphonia ambient music autumn equinox bio feedback druid music druidic songlines druidry earth music experimental music experimental soundscapes hedgerow music hedgerow symphonia music of the plants new age pagan music plant lore plant music sound healing tree lore Sep 30, 2022

I am very lucky here where I live in a very rural part of Devon as I have a hill forest literally on my doorstep where I am more often than not the only human being walking around, and I enjoy spending my days as a practicing Druid, learning and connecting with the land and discovering new creative inspirations as I travel through the trees. 

One sunny day two weeks ago as I was approaching my usual route ( a whole circumambulation takes around one hour and a half ) I decided to find...

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Hanuman Moola Mantra bajarangabali mantra hanuman mantra hanuman moola mantra life force lord hanuman maruthi om shri hanumate namah pavaniputra sankata-mochana Sep 14, 2022

One of many Hanuman mantras that can be found and discovered, this is the Hanuman moola mantra often recited to assist and help us overcome obstacles and problems coupled with acquiring and fostering the strength, courage and success to enable this to take place. Hanuman is the great warrior and the playful and skilful method by which we can become and embody these qualities within ourselves and most importantly perhaps of all to be of service - to be this help for all others. The...

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Saraswati Maha Vidya - Queen of Knowledge Mantra hamsavahin kavijihvagravasini life force maha vidya pool of knowledge mantra pustakadharini river goddess saraswati saraswati queen of knowledge sound healing with mantra vagdevi veenapani veenavadin vidyadatri water mantra Sep 08, 2022

Her name Saraswati, is a Sanskrit fusion word of saras (सरस) meaning "pooling water", but also sometimes translated as "speech"; and vati (वती) meaning "she who possesses". Originally associated with the river or rivers known as Saraswati, this combination, therefore, means "she who has ponds, lakes, and pooling water" or occasionally "she who possesses speech". It is also a Sanskrit composite word of surasa-vati (सरसु+अति) which means "one with plenty of water". 


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Druidic Song Stones for Divination and Inspiration druidry inner grove shamanism song stones sound healing Oct 30, 2021

Finding your song stone is a Druidic practice that involves working with and discovering your innate powers of intuition and developing them sufficiently in such a way that you can teach yourself to listen better to the music of the world. In this sense deep listening is a practice not just useful for musicians and musical creators but for anyone looking for inspiration, or for people that want to hear the wisdom of the world and how it can help them in their spiritual journeying. As long as...

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432 Hz or 440 ? Which is Better ? What's the Deal ? 432 hz 432 hz or 440 hz 440 hz frequencies in sound healing harmonics music medicine sound healing tuning and reference pitch tuning systems in sound healing Oct 27, 2021

I get asked this question a lot by my clients and students and I wanted to address some of my opinions on this subject in this article, and possibly shed some light on this subject. My intention is to not judge things in terms of right or wrong, or tell others what they should think or how they should be seeing this question.

I'm not going to talk about the Rothschilds the Nazi's or Nikola Tesla or Rife, just a simple perspective as I see it. Ultimately if tuning your music to 432 Hz is...

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